Friday 21 March 2014

Week 24

Topic "Chocolate"

Grendel : Homework to a high standard !

We can see across the Year group that the children have given lots of time, a great deal of effort and an abundance of enthusiasm in completing this particular homework. Well done all Year 3 boys and girls – great work.

The display of work has been extremely popular not only among Year 3, but the school community as a whole. Thank you to all parents who have taken an interest in out Grendel display. We sincerely thank for your support in this area.

In Art; The children have begun some pottery work this week. They are creating their own interpretations of Aztec drinking chocolate goblets, as used by the great Aztec king, Montezuma. It is said that he drank up to 50 cups of the bitter drink each day! Wow!


This week we practised the mechanics of addition of 2-digit numbers with 2 and 3-digit numbers. We talked about and practised problems that involved re-grouping. It was not easy at first but there was a keen response and the children enjoyed the challenge. Further practise is needed to develop the concept, their self-confidence and their accuracy. We will attempt subtraction next week and begin work on 'angles'.


The children have really enjoyed exploring books and authors this week and have taken their enthusiasm for reading to even greater heights. We used the laptops to research favourite authors and the children are working on information pages about one author and his or her books.

Our brochures were completed and these are on display in class. We linked this work to the launch of the Reading List you received last week and to Year 3 staff rendition of the Enormous Crocodile! Did they come home and tell you about it?

We were keen to attempt this week's 'Big Write'  on the laptops. Thankfully it was a shorter than usual task. Generally the children are becoming confident in editing their own work. They are mindful of correcting mistakes and they enjoy changing font style and size. The children are equally as confident and proefficient in importing images although I over-heard one member of the class, quite clearly say
"I would have finished this by now if I had used pencil and paper" !!!


Medicals for Year 3 Sahara on Tuesday 25th March

Book Fair – on Tuesday 25th March the Book Fair will be in school. Sahara class will have some time in the afternoon to have a look at the books available and to buy if they want. Please ensure any money brought into school is in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name and our class name - thank you.

Miss Dora and I hope you enjoy a warm and sunny weekend.

Glenda Hughes & Miss Dora


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