Friday 21 February 2014

Week 21

Topic "Chocolate"

This week we tasted Aztec, original chocolate drink and compared to more familiar, sweetened chocolate drink. The children noticed the different ingredients used and they were clear in their opinions and their preferences! The history of chocolate was discussed too and the children continued with their information pages ‘all about chocolate’ [ on the laptops, saved in their Google drive folders].


We focused on Time and all associated elements including months/days/weeks, digital times and telling the time in 5 minute intervals. Additional practise available by following the links below.


Earlier in the week, we shared our Big Write stories about ‘Love and Friendship’ with Year 1 Caterpillar. Both classes had a great time exchanging stories and comparing their handwriting styles.

Speech Marks – including using correct punctuation within dialogue was part of our Literacy focus this week.


Key Stage Two Poetry Competition, all of the Year 3s gave outstanding performances, with Barbara and Patrick going through to the next round.  We wish them luck in the finals which will happen after the break. Well done to everybody who learnt their poems at home and gave a magnificent show! 

Farsang – the children have each made a Farsang mask. Photos for you to see on our google drive folder by following the link on our class Kidblog page  Please ask your son or daughter for their log in details.

We enjoyed Hungarian dancing this morning, Early Years children made lots of noise around the school to scare away the winter spirits, there was a special lunch and then our Year 3 Farsang celebration. Thank you all who brought in snacks and drinks for the party!

Orchestra - BISB was fortunate enough to be treated to the wondrous music of a chamber orchestra on Thursday morning. Everybody thoroughly enjoyed the music which featured legends such as Bach and Vivaldi.  It was a treat for not only the children, but for the staff also.

We hope you have a happy holiday.
Glenda Hughes & Miss Dora