Friday 7 February 2014

Week 19

Topic NEW ! Chocolate  

This week we started talking about our new, yummy topic; "Chocolate"
We watched a clip of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" in which a golden ticket is found and we also had an opportunity to try to find lucky tickets. We talked about some interesting facts about cholcolate and the children illustrated the process involved in making chocolate. We read the first few chapters of Roald Dahl's book :Charlis and the Chocolate Factory" and we watched a youtube video of Cocoa bean to chocolate; the process of making chocolate. See the link below;


We practised times tables and managed to ‘test’ individual ability to recall the facts; both in sequence and by answering random question. We have quite a few children from the class celebrating Gold awards this week - well done. More opportunities to gain awards next week – keep practising J

We continued with work on word problems in class and as homework. The children can think of their own problems too as an extension.

We worked out fractions of numbers; for example 1/3 of  15, ¼ of 20 and ¾ of 40.

Further practise available on MyMaths

At this level children are expected to understand that to work out ¾ of 80 you would need to divide [ by 4] and then multiply [ by 3].

At the next level the connection between 1/10 of a number leads into understanding decimals; for example 1/10 of 80 = 8 and 1/10 of 8 is 0.8


Big Write – was on Thursday this week by an overwhelming majority request! – The children seem to prefer it and the work is much better = everyone is happy J

I plan to continue to arrange our BIG WRITE sessions on Thursdays.


This week we worked on drafting. I introduce a simple chart of symbols. The children quickly identified and corrected mistakes in their work and they enjoyed helping each other to look up words in the dictionary.

A significant number of children scored an amazing 10/10 in their weekly spelling test this week – brilliant.


We want to wish happy birthday to Alex [ last weekend ] and happy name day Dora yesterday.

Senegal – the children each have an item of stationary to bring in. The items will be given to the team from BISB going to Senegal later this month. Your support is appreciated. If there are any problems please do not hesitate in informing us so that we may help.

Wednesday 12th February, 15:30 - Primary Pop In

I will be attending a 2-day course next Friday 14th and Saturday 15th February.

Best wishes to you all for a relaxing weekend.

Glenda Hughes