Friday 8 November 2013

Week 9

IPC topic:
Footprints from the Past

When dinosaurs ruled the earth


In class the children did some research about  dinosaurs.
Using a framework they wrote their own dinosaur report.
We talked about ‘Food Chains’ and we intend to continue with this next week.

 Year 3  Sahara class assembly will be based on our current focus; DINOSAURS…..

We will be performing live to you and to Key Stage 2 pupils

        on Friday 22nd November

We were excited to read the latest news about dinosaurs, see the link below;


Our focus this week was on Report Writing. We talked about writing facts and organising sentences into paragraphs. Using a framework they have started writing their own dinosaur report with support.


This week our maths work concentrated on ‘Measures’. The children were confident in measuring length whilst a little more was required to grasp the concept of weight. We estimated and weighed to develop the idea and their understanding.
Maths homework this week is to continue to explore capacity.

Further opportunities to practice are available online;

Other Below are some useful dates for your diary:

Thursday 14th November - KS2 Parents in Partnership (8.45am)

Tuesday 19th November - PTA Book Fair (on this day the children can bring in HUF 1,000 to buy a new book, from 3 pm books will go on sale to parents)

Tuesday 19th November - Primary Pop In (3.30 pm)

Friday 22nd November – Year 3 SAHARA class assembly

Friday 29th November - LEAP Clubs end


Visit the school web site for more details or see the weekly newsletter.

Have a nice weekend.

Glenda Hughes & Richard Smith