Friday 1 November 2013

Week 8

IPC topic: Footprints from the Past

When dinosaurs ruled the earth

We have had an exciting and busy four day week; continuing with our “Footprints from the Past” (dinosaur) topic we have made many cross curricular links. We tried to show the children how long the dinosaurs lived on earth compared to humans by making a timeline along the football field. There was a follow-up activity in  class in which the children produced a timeline

The children took home some small model dinosaurs on Wednesday to uncover at home. The children can play a dinosaur excavation game at home by using coordinates. Please follow this link if you are interested:

We looked at part of a documentary about tyrannosaurus-rex and triceratops, to look at how palaeontologists and scientists can tell us so much about dinosaurs by looking at evidence from the past. You can watch this with your child if you wish by following this link:

Next week in class the children will do some research about a dinosaur of their choice. Using a framework they will write their own dinosaur report.

Year 3  Sahara have started to think about our class assembly; this will be based on our current focus; DINOSAURS….. more details to follow.


Big Talk and Big Write – this week’s ‘Timemachine’ fitted in well with our attempt to take the children back to a time before dinosaurs were on Earth. We were able to show children the ‘Triassic period, the Jurassic period and the Cretaceous period’ in relation to the time Humans have been living. Many a story written for our big write this week has ‘visited’ the dinosaurs.


We continued with properties of 2D and 3D shapes and worked on measures.
Note that the MyMaths password is “budapest” now.


Below are some useful dates for your diary:

Friday 8th November - Non-Uniform Day (in exchange for not wearing school uniform, please could students bring in an item eg tin of food, small new toy, bar of chocolate, etc up to the value of HUF 500  for the Tombola stall at the Christmas Fair).  

Thursday 14th November - KS2 Parents in Partnership (8.45am)

Tuesday 19th November - PTA Book Fair (on this day the children can bring in HUF 1,000 to buy a new book, from 3 pm books will go on sale to parents)

Tuesday 19th November - Primary Pop In (3.30 pm)

Friday 22nd November – Year 3 SAHARA class assembly

Friday 29th November - LEAP Clubs end


Visit the school web site for more details or see the weekly newsletter.


Have a relaxing, long weekend.

Glenda Hughes & Richard Smith