Friday 18 October 2013

Half term break is here!

So we have made it to half term with an action-packed week full of cultural delights!  On Monday the whole school gathered onto the football pitch to watch the flag parade.  A few lucky year 3 children were chosen to be flag-bearers, dressing up in their traditional costumes and greeting us in their native languages. Lunch was provided by the parents and what a treat it was! Everybody left feeling full and content. Thank you so much all the parents who contributed to make this lunch an unforgettable one!

All Year Threes got to participate in workshops run by the staff members from the year group.  The children learned about Welsh culture from Ms Hughes, how to perform the Haka from Mr Catalinac, and painted Aboriginal art with Mr Guest. The fun and excitement continued through the week, with the Saffrons watching a Korean group perform contemporary and traditional dances. 

Some of the parents from the year group also presented cultural sessions.  We had a wonderful retelling of the Hungarian tale Ludas Matyi by some of our brave Hungarian mums from year 3 and judging by the laughs, children and adults loved it! Bravo! We were also fortunate enough to have Mrs Neilson come in and read The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen, a traditional children’s folktale which then inspired the children in recreating their own version of the book to read to the year 1 children. Lots of Saharas also got involved with Culture Week by presenting booklets and posters about their countries. A number of these presentations are on display on the communal board outside 3 Sahara’s classroom.

The first week back from half term break will be short due to the national holiday on Friday 1st November.  However, spellings, Big Write and homework will still be given out as usual. Big Write and spelling will done in class on Thursday instead of Friday.  Let us take this chance to remind you about the Halloween party on that afternoon.  Please make sure you return the permission slip with money to Reception as soon as possible – tickets may not be on sale for much longer.  Also please remember that the Saharas will start swimming lessons on Wednesday the 30th of October. Children will need to remember their swimming costumes, towels & flip flops.
We wish you all a safe and wonderful holiday and look forward to seeing you back again soon.

Glenda & Richard

Dates to remember:
21st-25th October 2013                       Half-term holiday

31st October 2013, 3:45-5:00pm              PTA Halloween Party

1st November 2013                                National Holiday, School closed