Friday 29 November 2013


The children enjoyed a Team challenge this week. They were asked to work together to find;
  • The total weight of the team
  • The total height in centimetres of their team
  • And the total age in months
We also focused on speed in answering mental maths problems and we looked at different strategies to add two numbers together


The full day but light snowfall on Monday inspired a snowy theme to our focus on writing instructions. The children ‘followed’ instructions on ‘how to make a snowflake’ and we were able to discuss the need for the instructions to be clear and with on order [inserting bullet points or numbers]. We wrote instructions on ‘How to build a snowman’. The children’s Big Write [ also writing instructions] benefitted and we have a good standard of work which is really pleasing. Our ‘Big Talk this week was about being thankful which tied in with celebrating thanksgiving – see below.


Thanksgiving as a celebration was discussed at our Key Stage 2 assembly on Monday morning. The children watched a short video informing us of this tradition and its origins. The school celebrated with a special meal on Thursday and we made “chocolate turkeys”, [which was also an opportunity to follow instructions].

Christmas Fair

Tomorrow is the Christmas Fair, so it would be great to see as many families as possible attending. The PTA has worked hard towards this annual event, so let us take this opportunity to thank all of those special mums and dads who have helped organise and to those who will help out in the stalls tomorrow.

The children have created drawings of dinosaur which have magically been scanned, reduced and made into a ‘matching’ game ready for the Year 3 stall at the Christmas Fair – please be sure to see for yourself.


A reminder that after school clubs have ended, unless you have been notified by the club coordinator.


Swimming has now ended for Year 3 Sahara. Next week the children will attend Aikido.

Year 3 Sahara class assembly

Photographs of the Year 3 Sahara class assembly are available for you to see and order.

Thank you for all the positive feed-back and comments.

Happy weekend to you all

Glenda Hughes & Richard Smith