Friday 4 October 2013

Week 5

Digging for dinosaurs!

Forget about big thinking and big writing, this week was rather about big digging! On Thursday we dived into our new IPC topic ‘Footprints from the Past’ by visiting Kopaszi Gát to excavate a dinosaur site. The children arrived at school in the morning, dressed fantastically as intrepid explorers. Most of them did not know what was going to happen next and what we were going to look for! We mixed the three Year 3 classes into the four merit point colour teams, to give them the opportunity to  be with other children and to work together in teams.  After the initial excitement of finding the first dinosaur specimens the digging became more laboured with most starting to tire in the heat and dust. It was an authentic experience, as it was not easy to find the fossils – the children had to persevere and keep digging. We had to dig hard and work cooperatively to get the dinosaur fossils out of the ground.

Hopefully Thursday’s experience has helped the children feel excited and enthusiastic about our new IPC topic, which will replace our Communities topic. I know the children cannot wait to begin the dusty excavation work of revealing the dinosaurs we found from the plaster blocks. We will have an opportunity to start this next week.

In Literacy we continued with "Settings". We explored unusual scenes and the children were enthusiastic in describing using their senses. In Literacy we completed our final piece of Settings work. All of the children have used interesting adjectives to give their writing extra interest and effect. It really has been a pleasure to read their descriptions of places and, in some cases, characters. Next week we will begin our unit on report writing, which will connect nicely with our Dinosaur topic. 
Earlier in the week, in Literacy the children looked at using adjectives in their writing and completed their last piece of writing about settings. Next week we will be looking at report writing, which will connect nicely with our Dinosaur topic.
Remember “Bug Club” as an additional reading activity that can be done at home.

Maths, we have moved onto multiplication and division and the connection between the two. The MyMaths homework this week is aimed at  practising times tables. MyMaths is a great resource to use at home to practise maths skills (even when there is no homework set on the site – there is a wealth of activities and games). You can help out at home by helping your child to learn their times tables. Children should first know their 2, 5 & 10 times tables, before moving on to the 3 & 4 times tables. Please ask if you are not sure.



Parent meetings
Please remember that next week there are parent-teacher meetings scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday. This is a great opportunity to meet and discuss how your child has settled into Year Three and their progress so far this year. If you haven’t managed to make an appointment yet and would like to do so, please see us to arrange a time.

International Day
International Day is on Monday 14th October.  This is an exciting opportunity to celebrate the nationalities and cultures within our school. Please see the school newsletter for more details. If you would like to read a story from your country or share something from your culture with the children - then please see me, so we can arrange a time. Thank you.


Have a great weekend.

Glenda Hughes & Richard Smith