Friday 27 September 2013

Week 4

For our IPC topic about Communities the children thought about questions they could ask in an interview to find out more about the history of our school. The children were excited to look at old pictures of the construction of the school and of previous staff members.

We studied "known people in our community" or in other words, famous people. The children researched using books and the internet and they worked as a group to produce an information poster about the famous person.

In Literacy we continued with "Settings". We explored unusual scenes and the children were enthusiastic in describing using their senses.

In Maths, we are working with money and addition strategies. We played some great money games on the interactive white board that you could try at home:

Important Reminder

The school will close at 12noon on Monday 30th September 30 due to the electricity being cut off in the region. Please could you help us by collecting your child(ren) promptly. Due to Health & Safety regulations we all have to vacate the building.
On Monday we will be saying goodbye, good luck and thank you to Mrs. Claire McCormack. Her and her husband move to England on Tuesday. The children have made a card for her and we plan to enjoy a snack and drink before school closes at lunchtime.
Mr. Richard Smith; our new class Teaching Assistant,  was in school on Thursday and he spent the afternoon with the children, getting to know them. Mr. Smith will start on Tuesday morning.

On Thursday a note was sent home about our Year Three trip next Thursday (3rd October) – please fill in the permission part of the form and return it to school as soon as you can. Thank you. 

Have a lovely long weekend.

Glenda Hughes & Claire McCormack