Friday 20 September 2013

Week 3

As always, it has been another action packed week in Sahara, with lots of hands on learning and getting in to the swing of things.    
We have all settled in nicely and are enjoying year 3.

Our Novel this week is another by Dick King-Smith
In literacy, we have been continuing with our settings theme, with emphasis on describing characters and places. Some of the children wrote fantastic descriptions using many of the senses. They particularly enjoyed the activity of ‘Where am I?’ - a description of a certain place with a variety of clues.  We then looked at adding a character to our setting and describing them.  We tried to trick our classmates by drawing 2 pictures for them to choose from!
In numeracy, we worked on our mental arithmetic’s and looked at ways of working out problems in different ways.  Such as, adding 9, you could add 10 and then take away 1.  We put our thinking caps on came up with lots of different solutions. 
Our school is closed next Friday for all children, as the teachers have their “in service” training day.
Afternoon clubs will start on Monday 23rd, as do the private music lessons within our school.  The clubs list will be on display on our noticeboard.
This week’s maths homework was posted on My Maths. If you have trouble using this site, then please come and see one of the teachers for help. Also now on the My Maths site - once your child has logged on, there are links to Bug Club, the school newsletter and the blog.

We hope you have a fantastic weekend!
Glenda and Claire