Friday 13 September 2013

Our school setting and community

We have had our first full week in Year Three, and what an exciting week it has been. We have had all of our specialist teachers and lessons – such as: Art, Music, Physical Education and languages.

This week in Literacy we looked at settings in stories. We discussed how the uses of our 5 senses help enhance our descriptive writing. We looked at adjectives and how they can add to the story and make our writing more exciting. The children also completed their first Big Write in Year Three.
In Numeracy we concentrated on counting on and back in single-digit steps or multiples of ten, as well as working on hundreds, tens and units and we even tried working with numbers in the thousands.

Our topic learning had us investigating the meaning of a community and looking at the communities we each belong to. We then analysed our own school community and went on a tour of the school to see how our school space is used to meet the needs of the many groups that form the BISB community. We went to places such as the staff room to find out just what teachers get up to!

Ideally your child should have a recorder in school to use during Music lessons. These can be purchased at school from Mr. Spinks, the music teacher for 2,500fts (or 3,000fts, which also includes a recorder cleaner).

Homework: Homework is given out on Wednesdays. This should be completed and returned to school by the Tuesday of the following week.  Spellings are given out on Monday. The spelling folder with completed work should return to school on Friday. Big Write homework is placed in the same folder as the spelling. Your child should discuss the weekly topic at home and at school to prepare for their Big Write on Friday.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Glenda Hughes & Claire McCormack