Friday 6 September 2013

Welcome to Year 3 Sahara

Welcome to Year 3 Sahara class weekly blog. This blog will be updated here every Friday. Our blog page will include information about class activities, learning opportunities and reminders about school events.

The children have made a wonderful start to the term; they have settled will into class routines including lunchtime and the independence of using a tray and being served as they enter the dining room.

We found out more about each other while completing a “Human Treasure Hunt”. The children designed “name bugs” which are on display in class. We have worked in a variety of different groups and enjoyed playing team and friendship games. The children worked on designing their own personal shields, to include meaningful things in their lives.

We started both Literacy and Numeracy lessons. Our class book is “The Hodgeheg” by Dick King-Smith. The children think that the muddled-up way in which Max; the main character, speaks is simply hilarious.

Letters regarding “MyMaths” have been sent out this week which includes a personal user name and password for your child.

In Year 3 your child will start using his or her own, individual user name and password to log on and use the class computers. Please can you ensure that your child can write his or her full name.

We will introduce and begin work on our new Topic ‘Living Together’ next week – more details to follow.

We have had a wonderful start to the new school year and look forward to an exciting and educational year ahead.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Glenda Hughes & Claire McCormack