Friday 7 June 2013

Term 3, Week 8

We have had a wonderful week full of experts to support us with our ‘Shaping Up’ topic in 3 Sahara this week. Furthering our learning about the different food groups and the food pyramid, we have found out about some of the main vitamins and minerals that we can gain from specific foods. To put our new knowledge into action Ms Nike from our school kitchen helped us to investigate our school lunch on Wednesday to see what food groups and vitamins and minerals make up a standard school meal. It was a fantastic  opportunity to help the children understand how the school lunch menu is created and the reasons why, to further increase their understanding of healthy eating.
On Thursday Year 3 had great fun brushing their teeth at school as part of a visit from two dentists from Madenta in Roszakert. Their presentation on how to take care of your teeth reinforced our learning about healthy habits and with the use of disclosing tablets to highlight plaque we were reminded of good brushing technique to get our purple teeth back to white! As a class we then looked further at the different sets and types of teeth we have and the reasons for these.
Numeracy this week had us continuing our work on division and we learnt how to solve division sums with remainders as well as word problems involving either multiplication or division. In Literacy we enjoyed re-capping our year together as the children constructed their own written self assessment which you will enjoy reading in their report next Friday. We have also continued our learning about adventure stories and through focusing on the description of settings and characters, the children were able to create a scene of what happens next in a given story and acted this out brilliantly through role play.
Have a lovely weekend!