Friday 31 May 2013

Term 3, Week 7

It has been a busy week in 3 Sahara as we get used to being back in the classroom after our fantastic camp to Zanka last week. We have all enjoyed looking at the pictures this week and sharing memories of our 3 days away and our Big Write was a perfect opportunity for us to revisit recount writing and record this experience in greater detail. We have also been carrying out some reading assessments and begun to look at settings of adventure stories in Literacy this week.

In Numeracy our focus has been on division and the class has worked wonderfully on this, using their growing times table knowledge to help them. The children have also learnt how to solve division sums using the empty number line as another strategy to help them. The link below is a great website for a range of fun division games to reinforce this learning at home:

Topic lessons this week have had us thinking about we eat and learning about the different food groups and the structure of the food pyramid. In Art we have begun using our photograph from home to prepare for creating our own double portraits of this image. We have started experimenting with different paint techniques and this week looked at how to create different tones of a colour by making ‘tonal fish’ using a predominant colour from the photograph.

Looking ahead to next week, as part of our ‘Shaping Up’ topic, the children will need to bring in their toothbrush and some toothpaste with them on Thursday morning as we have a dentist coming in to talk with Year 3 and demonstrate correct brushing.  

Have a wonderful weekend!