Friday 14 June 2013

Term 3, Week 9

Topic was very tasty again this week as Year 3 continued their investigation of the food pyramid and learning about healthy eating.  On Wednesday we started the day with some healthy taste testing of a variety of sandwich ingredients. From their results the children then each designed their favourite sandwich, ready to make and eat next week!

In Literacy we have been focusing on using wow words and our senses to describe and the children have used these to each create a setting for their adventure story they be writing next week.

We were looking for matching pairs that equal a multiple of 10 when adding more than 2 numbers in Numeracy this week, as a strategy to help our mental calculations. We have also been focusing on the different language that can be used for addition and subtraction and applied this knowledge to help us solve a mix of addition and subtraction word problems with greater confidence.

Our Art portraits are coming along well and this week the children have further shown their ability to carefully observe and mixed appropriate colours to create the skin, hair and clothing shades shown in their photographs.

Lastly please note that reading books will no longer be coming home as from today so that repairs and a stock-take can be completed. Your child will have however, their end of year report coming home with them today and I hope you enjoy reading them.

Have a wonderful weekend.