Friday 17 May 2013

Term 3, Week 5

The excitement for Zanka has been brewing all week in 3 Sahara as we prepare for the Year 3 residential trip on Wednesday. I hope our Big Write topic this week was useful in helping involve your child in the packing process as it is important that they know what they are taking with them.

We have started a new topic in Literacy on Adventure stories this week and began by focusing on characters in this type of narrative writing. We will continue with this on our return from Zanka, as we work towards the children each writing their own adventure story.

In Numeracy we have been learning about capacity and were busy converting measurements, finding fractions of quantities and having great fun carrying out a practical investigation to estimate and measure the volume in a range of containers.

Following on from our organs research task we further investigated the heart this week in Topic. Through a fun experiment involving a small hand pump and 5 litres of water, the children were able to experience just how hard the heart works and gain a greater understanding of how it does its job.

In Art our sketching skills were put to the test again and in small groups the children took turns at freezing in a pose that portrayed a specific relationship and drawing sketches of what they observed.

As there is no school on both the Monday and Tuesday of next week, a reminder for Wednesday to please arrive at school at the usual time but of course with your child in their camp clothes, packed and ready to go! For information about the pick-up process from school on our return on the Friday, please see the noticeboard outside the classroom.

Have a lovely long and restful weekend!