Friday 10 May 2013

Term 3, Week 4

It has been another busy week in 3 Sahara concluding with some wonderful sporting spirit as we cheered on Team BISB at the Nord Anglia Sports Tournament happening in school today.

In Numeracy we continued work on partitioning, using the empty number line method again but this time to subtract. We also revisited using the grid method to multiply and the children are now so much more confident in their use of this. They are also working hard to learn their times tables, please continue to help your child with these at home.

We have now come to the end of our unit on Dialogue and Plays in Literacy and the children have further increased their knowledge of play scripts this week. In pairs they have written parts of their own play script and they can also now use the main features of this text type independently and confidently showcased this in our Big Write today.

Topic time turned the class into ‘organ experts’ and it was wonderful to have the use of netbooks to help the children research a given organ in pairs and refresh their note-taking skills. Each pair then presented their findings to the class and we had great fun quizzing the class on what they had learned in the style of a game-show, with each pair of organ experts as our judges!

In Art we have been continuing to learn to look closely at people when drawing them. This week we analysed a range of double portraits, observing carefully their body language to determine the relationships depicted. To help develop the children's sketching confidence we then removed rubbers from the tables and the class had the challenge of making 3 minute sketches of pairs displaying different poses, concentrating purely on body language and proportion.

Lastly please note that swimming has finished for 3 Sahara for the year so the children will require their PE kit again on Wednesdays.

Have a lovely weekend.