Friday 3 May 2013

Term 3, Week 3

Despite the shorter week, we have managed to pack a lot into the four days we've had! We have continued to look at the features of playscripts in Literacy and by the end of the week the children were able to put all of this learning together to write their own scene of a play. In Numeracy we started the week with solving word problems about time and moved onto partitioning and adding numbers together using the method of an empty number line.

In Topic we had great fun learning about muscles and how they work – we especially enjoyed seeing biceps hard at work contracting through a fun arm wrestling competition! We then moved onto to learning about our major organs. This began with the children trying to locate life-size pictures of organs onto an outline of their body. Thankfully by the end of the session we now know where all our organs should belong! In Art the children had another go at sketching the same classmate as last week, using their new knowledge of proportion. This was not an easy task at all but it has been wonderful to see the children gradually becoming more observant and gaining a greater concept of this when drawing.

Have a great weekend.