Friday 26 April 2013

Term 3, Week 2

We are well underway with all our new topics and have had a great week of working hard in 3 Sahara. In Numeracy we reinforced last week’s learning on reading scales and measuring weight by making our own delicious fruit salad which linked perfectly to our new topic of Shaping Up. We also revisited telling the time, using both analogue and digital clocks.

In Literacy we have been using the well-known fairytale of The Three Little Pigs to write conversations between characters, applying the skills we learnt last week. We also had great fun telling the story through role play and are now looking at the features of a playscript and how these differ from a story.

Our Shaping Up topic had the children carrying out a health check and with the help of Nurse Nicola we were able to measure our temperature, pulse, height and weight. We also looked at the effects exercise has on heart rate by taking our pulse again after exercise. From there we focused on the skeleton and with the help of our in-class model and the ‘dancing skeletons’ we had fun making, the children were fascinated to learn about its functions and the names of some of the major bones. Here is a great link we used in class:

In Art the children each had a go at sketching a classmate and we then looked at proportion of people to help guide their drawings. This week the class has been asked to bring in a photograph of themselves with one other person that they have a close relationship with. Please bring it into school or email me a copy as the children will be using these to create their own double portraits in the upcoming weeks.

Have a lovely weekend.