Friday 1 March 2013

Term 2, Week 7

As you are already aware, 3 Sahara have bit been hit with poetry mania this week with our new Literacy unit on Performance Poetry. The children have loved listening to and reading a variety of poems and have been working hard on the techniques required to perform one as best as possible. I hope you have found the information provided below in Wednesday's post useful in helping your child prepare for our class competition on Tuesday morning.
In Numeracy we recapped on how to round numbers to the nearest multiple of 10 and applied this to rounding numbers to the nearest 100. We then moved on to learning how to use an empty number line to complete subtractions which is a great visual strategy to help children arrive at an answer.

Science had us investigating roots this week as part of our unit on the Growth of Plants and we dug up plants and used magnifying glasses to take a closer look at these to learn about their important functions.

The collage mythical creatures we have been working hard on in Art are now complete and look fantastic. We also continued our learning of the Aztecs in Topic through studying Aztec patterns. The children have begun creating their own designs in this style and are using these to decorate the golden ‘hot chocolate cups' we have made.

Have a great weekend.