Wednesday 27 February 2013

Poetry Competition and Homework

Attached are some poems your child may like to use for this task. A great website for some funny poetry ideas is:

I have also included below a pro forma we have been using in school to help the children understand and develop their performance techniques. We hope this is of use in supporting your child rehearse at home.

Performance Poetry

Have they done these things?
Self assess
Peer assess
Teacher assess
Changed the pace (speed)
Changed the tone (soft /harsh)
Changed the volume (how loud)
Used facial expression
Used hand gestures

I really like ……………………………………………………………………………………….


Next time I would ……………………………………………….…………………………………


Peer marked by …………..

They have done these things really well …………………………….............................................


To make it even better, they could…………………….………………………………………….


I Think My Dad is Dracula

I think my dad is Dracula

I know that sounds insane,

but listen for a moment and

allow me to explain.

We don't live in a castle,

and we never sleep in caves.

But, still, there's something weird

about the way my dad behaves.

I never see him go out

in the daytime when it's light.

He sleeps all day till evening,

then he leaves the house at night.

He comes home in the morning

saying, "Man, I'm really dead!"

He kisses us goodnight, and then

by sunrise he's in bed.

My mom heard my suspicion

and she said, "You're not too swift.

Your father's not a vampire.

He just works the graveyard shift."

-Kenn Nesbitt

I Bought Our Cat a Jetpack

I bought our cat a jetpack

which I think she liked a lot.

She strapped it on and instantly

she took off like a shot.

She zoomed around my bedroom

then she blasted down the hall.

She ricocheted off every piece

of furniture and wall.

Our dog freaked out and ran away.

Our hamster squeaked and fled.

I even saw my sister hiding

underneath her bed.

Our cat is so fired up

I almost hate to break the news:

She'll never catch our mouse;

I bought him rocket powered shoes.

--Kenn Nesbitt

Flying Popcorn

A piece of popcorn escaped from the pan
and flew across the kitchen like Superman.
It ping-ponged back and forth between the oven and the freezer.
Then it shot up to the ceiling like a daredevil trapeezer.
I tried and tried to catch it, but it never missed a trick.
So finally I gave up and ate a licorice stick.

The Fifth Grade Talent Show

Tim can wiggle both his ears.

You probably shouldn’t try,

‘cause when he flaps them very fast,

he soon begins to fly.

Tyler likes to cross his eyes.

He soon is going to find,

that if he crosses them too much,

the poor kid might go blind.

That Explains It!

I went to the doctor. He x-rayed my head.

He stared for a moment and here's what he said.

"It looks like you've got a banana in there,

an apple, an orange, a peach, and a pear.

I also see something that looks like a shoe,

a plate of spaghetti, some fake doggy doo,

an airplane, an arrow, a barrel, a chair,

a salmon, a camera, some old underwear,

a penny, a pickle, a pencil, a pen,

a hairy canary, a hammer, a hen,

a whistle, a thistle, a missile, a duck,

an icicle, bicycle, tricycle, truck.

With all of the junk that you have in your head

it's kind of amazing you got out of bed.

The good news, at least, is you shouldn't feel pain.

From what I can see here you don't have a brain."

- Kenn Nesbitt

Rules for My Dog

Don’t bark when I’m sleeping

Don’t eat off my plate.

When grandpa goes fishing,

don’t eat all his bait.

Don’t drool on my slippers.

Don’t chase your own tail.

Do not bite the mailman

or we won’t get mail.

Don’t tackle my brother

‘cause he’s such a wimp.

Don’t nip at my ankles,

‘cause you’ll make me limp.