Friday 29 March 2013

Happy Easter everyone!

From the children’s amazing efforts in the KS2 Swimming Gala on Tuesday, to a whole lot of snow and the Easter Bunny popping in with treats today, it has been an eventful end to an incredibly busy term!

In Literacy we concluded our Poetry unit by learning about synonyms and similes to improve the level of description in our writing. The children were then introduced to shape poems and used their wonderful descriptive language toolbox to write their own.

We continued our work on 3D shapes in Numeracy this week, learning about nets and using these to construct our own examples which helped us to calculate faces, vertices and edges.

To conclude our Topic work for the term we had great fun investigating this week!  Our Science unit on the Growth of Plants had us using celery to illustrate the function of stems. After letting our poor celery wilt, we then brought it back to life and recorded our observations and results. Our delicious topic on Chocolate that we have all so enjoyed, ended with another experiment - investigating the melting time of different types of chocolate. This was a great exercise to reinforce our learning about fair testing.

Have a wonderful break -hopefully with some much needed warmer weather!