Friday 19 April 2013

Term 3, Week 1

Welcome back! I hope you have all had a lovely holiday and are enjoying the much needed sunshine we have returned to school with! On that note a reminder that the children must now have a hat at school to wear everyday till the end of term.

We have a great first week back, settling into routines again and starting new topics across the curriculum. Today we held a fun Year 3 Team Sports House Competition as our exciting entry point to our cross–curricular topic of ‘Shaping Up’. Through this unit we will be learning about the body and what we need to do to lead a healthy lifestyle.

In other areas we have begun a unit on ‘Dialogue and Plays’ in Literacy and focused this week on the features of dialogue.  We have looked at how verbs affect how something is spoken and worked on using better words than ‘said’ when writing dialogue as well learning how to use speech marks correctly.

This week in Numeracy we looked at reading scales and measuring weight. We have also begun a new Art unit on 'Portraying Relationships’ and we were busy being art detectives this week as we looked at a range of different artworks to develop our observation skills.

Please note that on Monday (the 22nd) we will be holding an information session for Year 3 parents about our upcoming residential trip to Zanka from May 22nd -24th. This will be taking place in 3 Lemon at 8:15am and we look forward to seeing you there.

Lastly, a reminder that clubs will begin again from Monday, please see the list on the noticeboard outside the gym.

Have a wonderful weekend!