Friday 8 February 2013

Term 2, Week 5

Another busy week in 3 Sahara ending in some fantastic Farsang fun!

In Numeracy we have focused on multiplication and the children have been introduced this week to two new strategies for solving multiplication problems. The first was using an empty number line and later in the week the children learnt the 'grid method’ – if you are unfamiliar with this method please ask your child to teach you as this will reinforce their understanding.

This week in Literacy we focused on the setting of a quest myth and the children have planned their hero’s journey by creating their own quest map - complete with some fantastic descriptive work on each of these settings. We have also looked at creating a hero for a quest myth and the children are now ready to write their own quest myths next week to finish the unit.

In Topic we have begun making our own Aztec style hot chocolate drinking cups to follow on our learning about the history of chocolate. We have also have had a great time experimenting with different materials to replicate the animal patterns that make up the mythical creatures the children created last week on 'Switch Zoo'.

Our Science link on the Growth of Plants had us recapping on the parts of a plant and what plants need to grow.  The children have put this into action with an investigation of some seeds of their own and we also looked at the process of photosynthesis.

Have a lovely weekend.