Friday 1 February 2013

Term 2, Week 4

Parent support please – a message from Ms Thompson

We have noted that a growing number of children are running around the school after 3.30 both in the auditorium and in and out of classrooms. This is unacceptable behaviour and presents a safety risk. We require that parents actively supervise their children whilst on site; they must adhere to the normal rules of the school–running around is to be done outside. Inside, children must walk calmly, engage in calm activities such as reading or talking quietly with friends in the auditorium. We look forward to your support with this - it needs everybody to help to ensure we maintain a calm and pleasant environment at all times. If your child is looked after by a babysitter please ensure he or she is aware of this request.

Thank you
Jane Thompson
It has been a busy week in 3 Sahara getting back to the normal swing of things after the excitement of last week’s fantastic assembly.

In Numeracy we have been looking at the relationships between addition and subtraction, and also how multiplication is the inverse of division.  Learning how to use the corresponding sum has helped to find the missing number in a number sentence.

The children have had a great time experimenting with the features of Quest Myths this week as they to manipulated different objects to determine what possible magical powers they could possess. They also constructed their own mythical creature using ‘Switch Zoo’ and wrote descriptions of their crazy creations!

Following on from our Geography learning about where cacao trees grow and using an atlas to locate these nations on a world map, we have looked at the history of chocolate this week. The children enjoyed learning about how chocolate was first used as drinking chocolate by the Aztecs and Mayan people but we weren’t so keen on the taste of the Aztec recipe thanks to the use of chilli instead of sugar!  Comparing it with the taste of modern day hot chocolate the children were able to document how these changes occurred over time.
Lastly Mr Ronaszeki has taken some amazing photographs of our assembly - please see the sample photos outside our classroom and fill in the order form  by next Wednesday (the 6th) if you wish to purchase.

Have a great weekend.