Friday 7 December 2012

Term 1, Week 14

The start of December has brought many exciting events this week to 3 Sahara!

For our topic learning Year 3 enjoyed a visit from Mr László Makádi a local palaeontologist who came to share with us his wealth of knowledge and experiences of the excavations of dinosaurs here in Hungary. His findings were fascinating and the opportunity to ask questions to an expert as well as touch actual dinosaur fossils made for an incredible morning.

Mikulas visited the class too and showed we’ve all been good this year with the treats we found in our shoes on Thursday morning! A special assembly to celebrate was enjoyed by all.

In Numeracy we continued our work on fractions and again used our pretend pizzas – this time with ’pepperoni’ to help us find fractions of amounts. Our practical learning carried through to Literacy where we made jam sandwiches as a stimulus to help us put all the language features of instructions together to write our own instructions of how to make a jam sandwich. Art also combined with Literacy and the children followed a set of given instructions to make gorgeous glittery paper snowflakes which were taken to decorate a children’s hospital and orphanage this week.

The children also spent time reflecting on their first term in 3 Sahara and have written their own self assessment to accompany the report your child will be receiving today.
Please note that there will be no spellings or homework given next week. Reading books will also be collected in for the holidays. A reminder too that on Monday KS2 will be having a 'Winter Olympics' and your child will need their PE kit.

Hsve a wonderful weekend.