Friday 30 November 2012

Term 1, Week 13
November has come to a close with another week busy week in 3 Sahara!

We continued our data handling focus in Numeracy, looking specifically at pictograms and interpreting information from this type of graph. Later in the week we started our new unit on Fractions and with the help of pretend pizzas, the children have been grasping the new language and learning to identify different fractions.

In Literacy we have looked closely at another main feature of instructions – adverbs. We have learnt how to use these to give greater detail to our instructions and help make instructions easier to follow. Using a checklist of all the features of this text genre, the children have also been analysing a range of instructions to check their effectiveness.

Art and Topic joined forces this week and the children thoroughly enjoyed developing their sketching skills to create the most amazing dinosaurs!

Christmas spirit is indeed in the air at BISB and we hope to see you at the Christmas Fair tomorrow. A special reminder that your child’s tealight candle holder will be available to purchase at our Year 3 stall.

 Have a great weekend.