Friday 23 November 2012

Term 1, Week 12
and dance we did!

What a memorable week it has been for 3 Sahara and all of BISB with the Dance Unites extravaganza that took place on Tuesday morning at Szent Istvan sqaure. The whole school dancing together was certainly one extraordinary event and a whole lot of fun!

Back in the classroom we have continued our Literacy learning on Instruction writing. The children have been learning about imperative verbs (or bossy verbs as we like to call them!) which are one of the main features of this text genre. They have also completed reading comprehension activities and I hope your child is enjoying the online Bug Club that has been set for Literacy homework this week. This is a great tool to use at home to further develop your child’s ability to answer questions about a text.

In Numeracy we have been focusing on data and learning ways to both collect and present information. The children have been busy filling in tally charts, creating tables and constructing bar graphs this week. Each child then carried out their own investigation and we looked at how to interpret our results to make conclusions.

Our focus in Topic this week was Geography based and the children thoroughly enjoyed getting the atlases out and learning about the continents of the world. We then went back in time to the dinosaur eras and looked at how the continents were formed then. Using play dough, the children had great fun first creating the ‘supercontinent’ of Pangaea that was present in the Triassic period and then demonstrating the changes that occurred to the continents in both the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.

Please note that we are no longer swimming on Wednesdays so your child will need their usual PE kits for Aikido instead.
Have a great weekend.