Friday 16 November 2012

Term 1, Week 11

Another busy week in 3 Sahara with the added bonus of whole school dancing, fossil fun and a little Christmas spirit!

In Numeracy we continued developing our estimating and measuring skills and moved on to learning how to convert units of length. We have also been working on our Times Tables and your child has these to work on using for homework this week. Your child knows what their target tables are and can also find these in their Numeracy books. We have been testing them against the clock seeing how many tables they can get correct which sets a great target for them to try and beat.

The children have now completed their individual dinosaur reports and they have all done a fantastic job. We used success criteria to guide the compilation of these to ensure we were crafting our texts accurately and the children self and peer assessed their reports against these this week. The new Literacy unit we have begun is Instruction Writing.

In Topic this week we have been busy learning about how fossils are formed and then we had a go at making our own fossils using sand, plaster of paris and plastic dinosaurs. The process of this made a great link to our Literacy learning of instructions.  Another perfect link was provided by our class project for the Christmas Fair that we completed yesterday, hand painting beautiful glass tea light holders to sell on the 1st of December.

Lastly a few notices…

PearsonBook Club

Today your child has come home with some information about a new online reading website that we have access to. This is to support and compliment our school reading scheme and has many comprehension activities that are built in.

Dance Unites

Please remember your child will need a warm white top (or a larger white  t-shirt to wear over a coat) next Tuesday (the 20th of November) for our whole school dance project that will be taking place that morning. Normal school uniform is to be worn as usual on this day.

Have a wonderful weekend.