Friday 9 November 2012

Term 1, Week 10

Despite starting this half term with a short week, it’s been all go in 3 Sahara the last week and a half!

Last week in Numeracy we completed our work on 2D Shape and developed our use of Carroll diagrams to help sort information. We have now moved onto Measurement, specifically looking at Length. This week we mastered using a 30cm ruler and worked on estimating the length of different items and checking carefully the correct measurements with our rulers. We had a lot of fun investigating the lengths of our own hands and feet!

Linking our Literacy and Topic work we have continued studying non chronological reports using our Topic learning of the dinosaurs. The children have continued to develop their note-taking ability and this week have been learning how to turn their notes into clear paragraphs of a common theme. Recapping all of the features of a report, the children have put this into action to create their own dinosaur report. We are now at the finishing touches stage of these and look forward to sharing them with you soon.

In other news, BISB has been hit with a dance craze this week, as the whole school learns a short sequence as part of ‘Dance Unites’, a Nord Anglia interschool competition. The actual performance of the dance will be taking place on Tuesday the 20th of November and for this we please ask for all of the children in KS2 to wear a white top and dark coloured trousers. We will be performing outside so the warmer the better in regards to the top. In class we have been having a great time learning the moves, if your child would like to work on these at home please go to the link attached and click on ‘Dance Unites’ on the left hand menu.

Have a lovely weekend.