Friday 7 September 2012

Term 1, Week 2

 Our first full week together and the children are settling so well into the routines of Year 3.

This week we began our unit of work on settings in Literacy and used our class novel of ‘The Hodgeheg’ by Dick King Smith to develop our use of the 5 senses to enhance our description writing. In Numeracy we have been counting on and back in single-digit steps or multiples of ten, as well as working on securing our knowledge of number bonds to 10 and 20. As you will have noted from your child’s homework, these themes have continued in their home tasks which are due for return on Tuesday.

Our topic learning had us investigating the meaning of a community and looking at the communities we each belong to. We then analysed our own school community and went on a photo hunt to see how our school space is used to meet the needs of the many groups that form the BISB community. To finish the week we had great fun designing our own dream catchers which we will display to remind us of our dreams and aspirations for Year 3.

A reminder that recorder lessons begin next week so please ensure your child has a recorder for their music lesson on Tuesday. Recorders are still available to purchase from Mr. Spinks for 2500HUF plus 500HUF for the cleaner.

Lastly, a huge thank you to those who were able to attend the Meet the Teacher evening held last Friday. If you didn’t manage to make the event, the presentation with all of the information that was shared is attached below.
Meet the Teacher

Have a fantastic weekend.