Friday 31 August 2012

A warm welcome to 3 Sahara and our weekly blog! This blog will be updated here every Friday by 6pm giving you information about what 3 Sahara have been up to in the previous week. Please bookmark this page so that you can access it regularly.
Term 1, Week 1
It has been a super start for the children, who are settling back into the swing of school well and excited about being Year 3’s. Our week has been incredibly busy across the curriculum as we have been busy creative writing, ordering numbers in Numeracy and (both in our books and on rockets!) as well creating some amazing art with our individual name bugs. We have also focused on developing our class culture with establishing expectations, creating our own class rules and completing team work challenges. This has led fantastically into our new topic of ‘Living Together’ and learning about community.
So What Will The Children Be Studying In The Next Half Term?
In Year 3 we will be starting our year looking at settings in Literacy and how an explosive and vibrant start to our writing can set the scene for our work and engage our readers.
Numeracy will begin with place value work looking at writing and ordering numbers before moving onto money (euros) and puzzles. This will be extended further by looking at the collection and use of data, particularly measures.
Our topic sessions will initially start with our theme of ‘Living Together’ which will also help develop a strong class bond. This will be followed by our very exciting topic of ‘Footprints from the Past’.
Living Together – about 3 weeks
In Geography we’ll be finding out:
·         How our school meets the needs of the community
·         About the buildings and services in our local area
·         About communities in a different country
·         How to identify the places and areas of interest in our local area
In History we’ll be finding out:
·         About the history of our school and its community
·         About someone who has been significant to the local community
·         About a historical event that has had an impact on a community
In Art we’ll be finding out:
·         How to make a community sculpture for the school
·         How to represent ideas about community through art
In Society we’ll be finding out:
·         About the different groups, that make up our community
·         Why rules are important for different groups
In International we’ll be finding out:
·         About different community celebrations around the world

Footprints from the past -
In History, we’ll be finding out:
·         About the different time periods when dinosaurs lived
·         How to make a time line
·         About fossil hunters from around the world
·         About different ideas to explain why the dinosaurs died out
In Geography, we’ll be finding out:
·         What the Earth looked like millions of years ago
·         Where to look for dinosaur bones
In Science, we’ll be finding out:
·         How to make a dinosaur footprint
·         How to find out what dinosaurs looked like
·         What dinosaurs ate
·         How to sort and classify dinosaurs
·         About the other animals and plants that lived at the same time as the dinosaurs
In Art, we’ll be finding out:
·         About how artists draw dinosaurs
·         How to make a sculpture of a dinosaur
·         How to make reptile-skin patterns
In International, we’ll be finding out:
·         Where dinosaurs have been found
·         About the rules of exploration
Have a wonderful weekend!