Friday 14 September 2012

Term 1, Week 3
The sound of recorder squeaking has filled the playground this week with the excitement of our first week of recorder lessons!
Inside the classroom we have been working just as hard. Our work on settings continued in Literacy week and to add to our descriptive toolbox, we looked at similes to further extend our ability to paint a picture in our reader(s) mind. We also focused on introducing the Big Write to our Literacy programme and developed the children’s awareness and skills regarding vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation (VCOP is the catchphrase your children are becoming familiar with!) Thank you to all who have helped with the ‘Talk Homework’ this week. Please look for a slip every Monday to help the children lead up to their ‘Big Write’ on Friday.
In Numeracy we worked on place value and partitioning or ‘splitting’ numbers. The children really enjoyed using an abacus to physically demonstrate the parts of a number.
This week in Topic we built on our learning from last week and inserted our photographic findings about where groups in our school community meet into PowerPoint presentations. We then investigated how some of these spaces could be improved and began work on creating 3D models of what we believe would make these spaces for different groups of our BISB community, even better!
Our dream catchers are also complete and look amazing! Please pop into the classroom to see your child’s creation.
A reminder that school photographs will be taken on Monday, both class and individual.
Have a lovely weekend.