Thursday 20 September 2012

Term 1, Week 4
A shorter but equally busy week in 3 Sahara!
In Numeracy we have continued our place value work and the children have developed their partitioning skills further by using this method to add numbers together.
Our settings unit in Literacy is coming to a close and this week we put into action our now brimming descriptive toolbox to plan and write a description about a haunted house - our aim to awaken all different senses to best paint a vivid picture in our readers mind.
The 3D models of improved spaces for specific groups of our school community that we embarked on last week have had the class working hard during our Topic time all week. It has been fantastic to see the creativity, teamwork and level of pride demonstrated by the children in the construction of these spaces to make their design plans come alive.
Please note that your child needs to keep their hat at school until the half term break in October. The weather is unpredictable at the moment and it is important your child still has one at school.  A coat is advisable at this time of year too!
Lastly a reminder of our very exciting trip taking place next Thursday – please ensure your child’s permission slip is returned by Tuesday at the latest and we look forward to seeing your child dressed up  on Thursday and ready for our adventure!
Have a wonderful weekend.