Friday 13 June 2014

Topic          "Paintings, Portraits and Photographs"

Pointillism as an art technique used by artists such as Andre Derain was introduced this week. We discussed Georges Seurat too, we looked at a picture painted using this technique and we studied parts in detail. We visited to find out more about the pointillist technique and about a different way of painting which includes aspects of colour mixing. We then had the opportunity to create our own picture using the pointillist technique and apply previous knowledge of colour mixing to this.


We continued to revise written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplications, division, finding differences and problems.

Next week will begin work on Data. The children are confident in reading various types of graphs and; with some support they are beginning to interpret charts and data presented in different ways. The next step is to create our own graphs and charts to show the results of our science experiments.


In Literacy “Alliteration” was introduced. The children particularly enjoyed this work and produced their own poems  - please see the good standard of work on display in class.

Next week we will have our last and final “Big Write” which is an open choice but still requires a little thought, discussion and planning.

Also our last Spelling this school year will be an opportunity to revise and review words given throughout year 3 as weekly homework. Details are on the sheet to be given out on Monday.


End of Year Reports Your child’s End of Year Report has been sent out today. Please call into school if you did not receive it.

Parent’s evenings – an opportunity to meet to discuss the report. If you need to make or cancel an arranged time then please call in to see me or send an e-mail.

Next Week

Dress-up Day – Monday 16th June this is an event organised by members of the Primary student Council.

Library Books – these all need to be returned this week please. There will be some refurbishment work and the Library books need to be boxed up ready to be moved.

And coming up…
Leaver’s Assembly for Key Stage 2 on Monday 23rd June from 2:00-2:45pm
Recorders Concert for Year 3 will be on Tuesday 24th June at 2:45 p.m. – All welcome.

Sport’s Day for Key Stage 2 on Wednesday 25th June

Enjoy your weekend!

Glenda Hughes & Miss Dora


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