Thursday 15 May 2014

Year 3 trip to Zanka

Topic  "Paintings, Portraits and Photographs"

Our visit to the Art Gallery this morning went very well. The children were allocated a group [of mixed Year 3 classes] and they took part in two art workshops focusing on the art work of Hungarian–French artist Victor Vasarely. There was an opportunity to draw and design based on lines and patterns and then an opportunity to create patterns with cut-out shapes. Please ask the children about their thoughts on this style of Art and whether they enjoyed the activities.


We looked at identifying patterns, number bonds and we attempted to answer multi-step word problems.


In Literacy we have continued the unit on Adventure and Mystery writing. Our focus was on characters and on using adjectives, which was also our “Big Write” topic this week.

Assessment Tasks

This week the children completed some assessment tests. The results will be used to assist with teacher assessments and you will receive the results along with an End of Year Report ( due out in June).


Year 3 Zanka residential Camp

A list of what’s required to be packed in your child’s bag is copied below for your reference. Please encourage your son or daughter to think of what he/she will need and to check off on the list.

The weather forecast seems to be an improvement on this week. However, there will be times when we will be getting wet! Spare or old clothes including shoes would be useful to have in the bag.

If you should have any further queries please do not hesitate to ask.

This afternoon we attended Year 5 Aqua Assembly. We thoroughly enjoyed their performance of the life and works of William Shakespeare including the modern ‘rap’ at the end.

Enjoy your weekend!

Glenda Hughes & Miss Dora


Children’s blog page 

What to bring to Zanka

  • Waterproof rain jacket or coat
  • Towel
  • Shorts
  • T-shirts
  • Jumpers
  • Long socks
  • Underwear
  • Casual trousers
  • Bag for daytime use
  • Pyjamas
  • 2 pairs of shoes (preferably waterproof)
  • Sun hat
  • Swimsuit
  • Torch
  • Cuddly toy (optional)
  • Water pistol (optional)
  • Drinking bottle
  • Plastic bag for laundry
  • Tissues
  • Book
  • Toothbrush & toothpaste
  • shower gel
  • Hairbrush / comb