Friday 13 December 2013

Week 14

Well that’s what we call a very productive school term with a great finale week!


BISB Winter Olympics

This week started with the annual BISB Winter Olympics. See below for a link to the photographs of children during the games. The four house colours battled it out in the gym over floorball with Endeavour (Yellow) winning the cup. Well done to everybody! It was wonderful to see how keen the children were to participate. Everybody was awarded with either a certificate or medal. A big ‘THANKS’ to the PE department and the Year 8 pupils for organising the event.


End-of-Term Party

On Wednesday all Year 3 classes came together for the end-of-term party.  And what a party it was. The classrooms were transformed into a disco, an arts and crafts studio and a buffet room.  We have never seen them so quiet when eating before - fifty or so children munching away on the delicious food provided by the parents.  In fact, the parents were so generous with the food that we managed to have enough for a second helping the following day J ! 

Staying on the topic of food, all pupils were treated to a traditional British Christmas lunch on Wednesday, followed by a traditional Hungarian one the next day.  We are indeed very lucky here at BISB!


In Literacy, we looked at Christmas poems and managed to create a rhyming one.  They also had a chance to perform a second poem with a partner to the class.  We can see some definite improvements in their performances!


In Numeracy, we continued with daily mental maths test, multiplication and word problems. We were able to revise various aspects including symmetry and directions.


An exciting new “kid blog” page was created this week for Year 3 Sahara. The children were excited to be using the blog page on the school set of laptops.

Our very own page has links to MyMaths, Bug Club and other sites. The children have their own log in and password and they can leave a comment. Photographs of the BISB Winter Olympic games and other class photographs are on the page too.

Please remember that during the holiday the children can still access some reading through the Bug Club site and can practice their Maths on the My Maths site.


GoodBye and Good Luck – we will miss you……

We say a sad but fond farewell to Nuno and to J.J. We wish them both ‘good luck’ in their new homes and in their new schools.

In January we will be saying hello and welcome Zoe Stern, coming from the UK to Year 3 Sahara.



Now to wish everybody ‘HAPPY HOLIDAYS’!  ………

Thank to you all for your support this term. Thank you for your feed-back and response to the Mid-Year Report sent out last week. Teacher/Parent meeting will be in January  [ 14th and 16th ] to discuss the contents of the report.

Sincere and grateful thanks to you for the wonderful presents we received – all we can say is ‘WOW’!

We hope you all have a wonderful and enjoyable time with your families over this festive time of the year.

Have a great break and we hope to see you back in school on Tuesday, January 7th 2014.


Glenda Hughes & Richard Smith