Friday 18 January 2013

Term 2, Week 2
What a start to 2013 we’ve had! It has been a very eventful first two short weeks back with sickness managing to affect me last week and of course a snow day to start this one! It has been great to see all the children settling back into routines and refreshed and ready for a new exciting term.

In Numeracy we have completed our unit on Time and looked this week at finding patterns in numbers and following and creating number sequences. Our Literacy learning this half term is Quest Myths and we have been busy reading different quest myths, identifying the specific features of this genre and working on retelling these both in writing and through drama.

I’m sure your child has informed you of the exciting senses lab they experienced to launch our tasty new topic of Chocolate. This week we have been learning about where chocolate comes from and also begun a Science unit about the Growth of Plants to run parallel with our Chocolate topic.

The biggest news of the week (aside from the snow) is our upcoming class assembly! This will take place at 2:45pm next Friday (the 25th).  Your support in helping your child to learn their lines this weekend would be most appreciated!

Rug up warm and have a wonderful weekend.