Friday, 13 June 2014

Topic          "Paintings, Portraits and Photographs"

Pointillism as an art technique used by artists such as Andre Derain was introduced this week. We discussed Georges Seurat too, we looked at a picture painted using this technique and we studied parts in detail. We visited to find out more about the pointillist technique and about a different way of painting which includes aspects of colour mixing. We then had the opportunity to create our own picture using the pointillist technique and apply previous knowledge of colour mixing to this.


We continued to revise written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplications, division, finding differences and problems.

Next week will begin work on Data. The children are confident in reading various types of graphs and; with some support they are beginning to interpret charts and data presented in different ways. The next step is to create our own graphs and charts to show the results of our science experiments.


In Literacy “Alliteration” was introduced. The children particularly enjoyed this work and produced their own poems  - please see the good standard of work on display in class.

Next week we will have our last and final “Big Write” which is an open choice but still requires a little thought, discussion and planning.

Also our last Spelling this school year will be an opportunity to revise and review words given throughout year 3 as weekly homework. Details are on the sheet to be given out on Monday.


End of Year Reports Your child’s End of Year Report has been sent out today. Please call into school if you did not receive it.

Parent’s evenings – an opportunity to meet to discuss the report. If you need to make or cancel an arranged time then please call in to see me or send an e-mail.

Next Week

Dress-up Day – Monday 16th June this is an event organised by members of the Primary student Council.

Library Books – these all need to be returned this week please. There will be some refurbishment work and the Library books need to be boxed up ready to be moved.

And coming up…
Leaver’s Assembly for Key Stage 2 on Monday 23rd June from 2:00-2:45pm
Recorders Concert for Year 3 will be on Tuesday 24th June at 2:45 p.m. – All welcome.

Sport’s Day for Key Stage 2 on Wednesday 25th June

Enjoy your weekend!

Glenda Hughes & Miss Dora


Children’s blog page 

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Year 3 trip to Zanka

Topic  "Paintings, Portraits and Photographs"

Our visit to the Art Gallery this morning went very well. The children were allocated a group [of mixed Year 3 classes] and they took part in two art workshops focusing on the art work of Hungarian–French artist Victor Vasarely. There was an opportunity to draw and design based on lines and patterns and then an opportunity to create patterns with cut-out shapes. Please ask the children about their thoughts on this style of Art and whether they enjoyed the activities.


We looked at identifying patterns, number bonds and we attempted to answer multi-step word problems.


In Literacy we have continued the unit on Adventure and Mystery writing. Our focus was on characters and on using adjectives, which was also our “Big Write” topic this week.

Assessment Tasks

This week the children completed some assessment tests. The results will be used to assist with teacher assessments and you will receive the results along with an End of Year Report ( due out in June).


Year 3 Zanka residential Camp

A list of what’s required to be packed in your child’s bag is copied below for your reference. Please encourage your son or daughter to think of what he/she will need and to check off on the list.

The weather forecast seems to be an improvement on this week. However, there will be times when we will be getting wet! Spare or old clothes including shoes would be useful to have in the bag.

If you should have any further queries please do not hesitate to ask.

This afternoon we attended Year 5 Aqua Assembly. We thoroughly enjoyed their performance of the life and works of William Shakespeare including the modern ‘rap’ at the end.

Enjoy your weekend!

Glenda Hughes & Miss Dora


Children’s blog page 

What to bring to Zanka

  • Waterproof rain jacket or coat
  • Towel
  • Shorts
  • T-shirts
  • Jumpers
  • Long socks
  • Underwear
  • Casual trousers
  • Bag for daytime use
  • Pyjamas
  • 2 pairs of shoes (preferably waterproof)
  • Sun hat
  • Swimsuit
  • Torch
  • Cuddly toy (optional)
  • Water pistol (optional)
  • Drinking bottle
  • Plastic bag for laundry
  • Tissues
  • Book
  • Toothbrush & toothpaste
  • shower gel
  • Hairbrush / comb

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Week 29

    NEW!    NEW!    NEW!

Our new topic for this term is entitled:

"Paintings, Portraits and Photographs"
This topic will focus on visual representations including optical illusions, light and colour and a variety of art.
We will be visiting the Art Gallery and taking part
in an art workshop on Friday 16th May at Vasarely Museum.
Please return the signed slip to us by Tuesday 13th May.
Note that we will leave after registration and return for a late lunch.
Please can you inform Music Tutors of absence from lessons (if any) between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Examples of Art we looked at this week as an introduction to our new topic.

This week we were excited to have 2 days “Maths days; more specifically our BISB’s annual Primary Maths Days. The children had the opportunity to choose two activities and they worked with other teachers and children from different year groups.

We prepared by creating games of our own to introduce and to play with Year 1 children. They put a lot of effort into their board games and the younger children really appreciated it. See the school newsletter for more details and photos.


In Literacy we have commenced a new unit on Adventure and Mystery writing. Spidergrams were introduced and seemed to be a good way of collecting lots of interesting words about a topic.
Note that due to Maths days this week we did not set a "Big Write" topic and we will have our weekly spelling test on Monday next week.

Year 3 Zanka residential Camp
Thank you for returning the consent forms. The outstanding amount of 17,000 HUF needs to be returned to the Reception Desk now please. The staff at Reception will be able to receive the money and provide you with a receipt for the payment.

If you should have any further queries please do not hesitate to ask.

Note that the last swimming session for Year 3 Sahara was this week. Now the children will have athletics until the end of Term and we will have Sport’s Day – see calendar on school web site for date].
In line with school Policy everybody will need a SUNHAT in school.
Being sun smart also came up in assembly. As the weather warms up, it is vital that all children bring in their hats. Children who do not have a hat on during outside play will need to sit in the pavilion.
As Mr Russell says,
“No hat, no play; no fun in the sun today!"
We also encourage the children to bring in sunscreen for extra protection.

Monday’s assembly highlighted the importance of eating healthily, particularly at break times. Nurse Nicola compared the nutritional value of a piece of fruit to a packet of crisps – a snack that some children are bringing in to school. We encourage all of our children to make healthy choices; your support as parents is appreciated – thank you.
Enjoy your weekend!
Glenda Hughes & Miss Dora
Children’s blog page 

Friday, 18 April 2014

Week 28

Topic "Chocolate"


We completed our topic “Chocolate” this week. Their clay pots will be ‘fired’ during the holidays and their designs based on Aztec patterns are ready too. Painting their pots will be a task for the first week back.

We finished watching the film this morning and the Easter Bunny visited the class with gifts of chocolate eggs – a perfect end!

Multiplication grids were introduced and proved to be very popular J [ all the multiplication work is now starting to be used, confidently and for a purpose].

The children were quick and found them fun.

It does mean that they need to know their times tables facts. Hopefully they realised that the facts are useful in working our harder problems and that they need to continue with practising and learning all the tables J


Our focus this week was on VCOP – We used extracts from “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” to identify V (vocabulary), C (Connectives), O ( openers) and P (Punctuation). The children were quick to find and colour in the elements of writing. Equally they were pleased to notice differences in their own writing as we reviewed this term’s “Big Write”.

Next term we will start with work on Adventure and Mystery writing.


The meeting to discuss the trip and to answer general questions about Year 3 Camp was this week. Thank you for attending and for returning the consent forms. If you should have any further queries please do not hesitate to ask.

The Swimming Gala on Tuesday 15th April was very well organised and the children taking part enjoyed themselves.

Note that the last swimming session for Year 3 Sahara is on Wednesday 7th May.

We very much enjoyed watching Year 3 Lemon assembly today. We thoroughly enjoyed their performance because it was so relevant to our topic; a great ending to the term and to our work on Chocolate – well done Lemons !

In line with school Policy there is no homework set for the holidays. However, there are books to read on BugClub and I have added some revision work on MyMaths which is optional, to be used if required.

First day back at school is on
Monday 5th May.

Note that everybody will need
a SUNHAT in school.


Happy holidays to you all.


Glenda Hughes & Miss Dora



Children’s blog page 

Friday, 11 April 2014

Week 27

Topic "Chocolate"

We prepared our sketch; based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, we performed at the Key Stage 2 assembly. [This is part of the “Reading List” initiative.] and we thoroughly enjoyed the whole process! Please read some comments by the children;

Olivia“It was really exciting having a chance to tell the story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.”

Rosa“We enjoyed getting ready by learning our lines.”

Raphael“We all had to learn our parts and think of actions to make it really good!”

Noa  -  “I think that we all had a good time.”

“…….and we all did our best !” added Alex.

On Monday we will be making our own chocolates as an exit point for this topic.

Next term we will have two new topics; “Turn it up!” and “Paintings, Pictures and Photographs” . The focus of these two topics will be on light, colour and sound.


We looked, found and recorded examples of Right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles.

We used the IPad’s to measure and to photograph angles around the classroom.


The children have developed good ICT skills.

They very quickly apply their experience of working regularly with the laptop to be able to cut, paste, type in text and save in folders on the IPads – I am very pleased with you all Year 3 Sahara Boys and Girls. See photos of our exploring angles.


Playscripts were our focus this week. We used familiar stories and turned these into playscripts - it seemed quick and fairly easy to understand the format. We had our own playscript to work on too which helped develop their sense and understanding – nice work!


On Wednesday we had two ISTA drama teachers working with Year Three and the rest of the primary school. During three separate sessions the children explored drama through story-telling and music. The children were very excited by the whole experience!

We very much enjoyed watching Year 2 Blueberry assembly yesterday. We found their performance “Room on the Broom” very interesting and fun.

Equally as entertaining to watch was the dress rehearsal of BISB’s 1950s music show. Lots of talent on stage – well done everyone involved with the successful event.

Next week we have our usual swimming session [ Wednesday ] after the Swimming Gala on Tuesday 15th April.

A meeting to discuss the trip and to answer general questions about Year 3 Camp is on Monday 14th April 8:15 a.m. in Year 3 Lemon classroom

BISB PTA Spring Fun Day is on Saturday 12th April – see school web site, posters or the newsletter for more details.

We hope you have a fun weekend.

Glenda Hughes & Miss Dora



Children’s blog page